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Title name: sunspot removal

Title: measures which can be adopted for sunspot removal.

The brown spots which occur due to excessive sun exposure are known as sun spots. They are of two types, brown and white spots. The excessive focus of UV rays on skin causes the pigment to collect at a single place which results in darkening of skin.

How to cure sunspots?

For curing sunspots, once you need to be sure that they are sunspots because few other diseases also induce same kind of spots on skin. You can go for herbal treatment but before that get confirmation that they are sunspots. In herbal treatments, you can apply green tea, aloe Vera, onion juice, apple cider vinegar. Mixing apple cider vinegar with lemon juice and applying it on face is even more beneficial than lemon juice alone. Lemon juice, onion juice, vinegar all is acidic in nature and acid promotes regrowth and regeneration of dead skin cells. Similarly milk being acidic nature can reduce spots and milk also acts as a natural moisturizer. 


Medical treatments for sunspot removal:

·         The treatments apart from natural treatments which can be followed are laser resurfacing, in this treatment laser technology is used to damage the dead skin so that regeneration can occur. New, shining skin will grow after removing the damaged skin.

·         Cyrotherapy: this is a therapy in which nitrogen is used to remove the dark spots. Liquefied nitrogen is applied directly on the spots and in few days the skin color becomes normal.

·         Chemical peels: there are chemical peels which can be applied on skin like normal face peels which when applied take out the dead skin and nourish your skin.


Sunspots usually develop at an older age, and at older age it is kind of normal. Older age here means after fifty ages. At younger age if you develop these spots than there are more chances of any other abnormality. In that case you should immediately consult your doctor as they might be harmful.

Diet you should follow: you should start including antioxidant rich food in your diet. Antioxidant rich food will reduce the effect of UV rays on your skin. You can include vitamin C rich food in your diet as vitamin C rich food is acidic in nature as well rich in antioxidants.

If your skin is sensitive than these herbal treatments might irritate you a little and cause red marks. In that case do not apply directly. Dilute by adding some water and then apply evenly with cotton.
